Saturday, July 20, 2013

Fishing for the First Time

Sims has been talking about going fishing for a while now.  He even told his teachers at school that his daddy took him fishing at a lake, and he had this long detailed story about it, which had no truth to it.  That was when I realized that this kid needed a fishing rod!  We got him one before the Ocracoke trip, so he got to fish for the first time in Silver Lake on Ocracoke.  He was so excited!

Jason bought some squid for bait, and the boys had a lot of fun sitting at the dock and waiting and waiting and waiting for a bite.

I was amazed with Sims' patience.  He seemed so happy just to have a fishing rod in his hand.  Finally, his patience was rewarded!

He caught a pinfish!  Now he has a true story to tell.  Wait!  Does anyone tell true stories when it comes to fishing?

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