Monday, March 7, 2011

Back to the airport

Last weekend, when Jason's parents were here, we went to the airport.  That may not be much of a surprise to you, since it seems that we go there every weekend.  (I assure you we do not.)  It was a short trip, since the parents had to head home and Sims was not feeling 100%.  Jason's mom took a couple of pictures of us, and I thought I would share.

This weekend my parents came to visit.  They stayed with Alex and Neely, so we didn't get to see them much.  I did not take a single picture.  Mom did though, so we'll see if she shares them with me. (Are you reading, Mom?)  I know she got a couple of pictures of me holding Isla that I want to see.

Other than that, this weekend was fairly productive, and I almost completed everything on my to-do list.  I think I may have finally realized just how much (or little) I can accomplish in a weekend with a toddler in tow.  It's taken me a while.  I'm a slow learner.

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